Simulate & Optimize Mining Process | 3D Modeling

Vahishta Mistry
January 20, 2023
5 mins to read
With cutting edge 3D modeling and simulation software, managers get access to detailed geological insights.

3D modeling and simulation can be powerful tools for operations managers in the mining industry, as they can be used to optimize processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. By utilizing 3D modeling and simulation, operations managers can visualize and analyze complex systems and processes in a virtual environment, which can provide insights and recommendations that would not be possible with traditional planning methods.

How Is 3D Modeling Implemented In Mining?

There are several key considerations for operations managers looking to utilize 3D modeling and simulation in the mining industry:

  1. Identify areas for improvement: The first step in utilizing 3D modeling and simulation is to identify the processes or systems that would benefit from optimization. This might include processes related to resource extraction, material handling, or equipment maintenance.
  2. Select appropriate software: There are many different software options available for 3D modeling and simulation. Operations managers should select software that is suited to their specific needs and requirements.
  3. Develop 3D models: Once the software has been selected, operations managers should work with subject matter experts to develop 3D models that accurately represent the processes or systems being analyzed. These models should include data on materials, equipment, and operating conditions.
  4. Run simulations: Once the 3D models have been developed, operations managers can run simulations to analyze the performance of the processes or systems under different scenarios. This can include testing different configurations, operating conditions, or scenarios to identify the most efficient and effective options.
  5. Analyze and optimize: Based on the results of the simulations, operations managers can analyze the data and make recommendations for optimization. This might include changes to equipment, processes, or operating conditions.

Examples Of 3D Models In The Mining Industry

  1. Material handling systems: 3D models can be used to visualize and analyze the flow of materials through the mining operation, including the movement of ore from the mine to the processing plant.
  2. Equipment maintenance: 3D models can be used to optimize the maintenance of equipment, including the scheduling of maintenance activities and the identification of potential failure points.
  3. Resource extraction: 3D models can be used to optimize the extraction of resources, including the selection of equipment and the development of mine plans.
3D geological visualization enables miners to analyze the most complex systems for mining.

Benefits Of Using 3D Modeling In Mining

  1. Improved visualization: 3D models provide a visual representation of processes and systems, which can help operations managers to understand and analyze complex systems more easily.
  2. Reduced costs: By analyzing and optimizing processes and systems in a virtual environment, operations managers can identify and address inefficiencies and waste before they occur in the real world
  3. Workflow models: 3D models of workflow can be used to visualize how tasks are completed within a process or system, allowing operations managers to identify opportunities for improvement.

One of the key steps in making sure any model (whether it's 3D or not) of your mine is accurate, is to ensure that the data being fed into the model is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. A 3D model isn't a static tool, it is meant to reflect the reality of the mine it represents, and using the model to optimize and iterate processes only works if the data from those processes are accurately captured. Because most companies still use paper logs and spreadsheets to capture operational data, the 3D model will invariably lag behind reality in terms of how up-to-date it is, and there is a higher chance of incorrect data being mistakenly ingested into the model.

Using a system like Grid to capture data from your operational mining processes helps with both aspects: timeliness (since it's a digital system, ingestion of data into analysis is near real-time) and data correctness (since Grid allows structured data input, you won't have field workers typing in differing values)

If you'd like to know more about how Grid can help you capture and analyze your operational mining data for use in a 3D model, get in touch with an expert from our team!

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