We’ve been hard at work over the past month, implementing several exciting updates to enhance your experience on Grid. From a cleaner and simpler user interface to improved notifications and a groundbreaking map widget, here’s what we were working on.
Make way for the Revolutionary Map Widget
Prepare to revolutionize the way you read and analyze data on a map. Our updated version of the Map Widget introduces a host of powerful features designed to simplify the sharing and visualization of Geographic Information System (GIS) data. Say goodbye to tedious sorting and number-crunching, as you can now share a wide range of GIS data directly on a map. You can also upload multiple GeoJSON files, describe maps, and assign icons, for detailed data representation. Read more about this update right here.
Send Notifications even to Non-Grid Users!
We are excited to announce a significant update that allows you to send notifications to individuals who are not Grid account holders. Whether it's through email or WhatsApp, you can now select a source column and effortlessly send notifications to all users associated with that column. This feature opens up new possibilities for seamless communication and collaboration with your stakeholders. Find out more about this feature here.
Cleaner and Simpler Grid
We believe in the power of minimalistic design, and our latest UI/UX changes reflect this philosophy. With new icon and font updates, we have adopted the "Inter" font as our official font, providing a consistent and sleek appearance across all our documentation and products. These changes will contribute to a cleaner and more user-friendly design for a better user experience. Also, to further enhance the user experience, we have implemented UI animations on all modals within our platform. These smooth transitions from left to right create a seamless and engaging experience, ensuring that your interactions with our product are both intuitive and visually appealing.
Delete Logs
Keeping track of deleted records is now easier than ever. With the introduction of the "Delete logs" feature on the Grid, you can view the history of deleted records directly from the view page. You can access this for as long as 90 days without any limit to the size. Learn more about this feature here.
Next up, we have a new bunch of updates focused on improving your overall experience. Check out this space every month for more!